Black Loyalist Heritage Centre (Shelburne)

There are so many reasons to visit the Black Loyalist Heritage Centre in Shelburne, for reasons of accessibility and content! If you’ve ever read Lawrence Hill’s award-winning novel, “The Book of Negroes” (published as “Someone Knows My Name” in the USA, Australia, and New Zealand) then you may recall the community of Birchtown, located in Shelburne, in the story. Reading the book is certainly not required to enjoy the Centre, but reading the book before or after your visit will enrich your experience.

Some things of note:

  • There is plenty of parking but it is a small walk from the parking area to the main building.
  • The facility is wheelchair accessible and even the gift shop has plenty of room for mobility devices.
  • There are so many places to sit down when/if you need to, which is unlike most museums I’ve visited! I was thrilled to find that there are stools, benches, and even a couple of inviting arm chairs.
  • The interactive exhibits, with the exception of one that I can think of, were set at a level so that they would be easily accessible to someone in a wheelchair, someone who was short, or an older child (they were also easily used by someone of *average* height-I’m 5’6″).

It is a small museum but it is extremely well laid out and user friendly. When you are admitted you receive a business card with a name and a bit of information on it. From there you can access four stations with laminated flip books of information (in aphabetical order by last name) that tell the story of the character whose name you  have on your card. It helped to personalise the experience and give insight into the fuller lives of the people who once settled in the area. There is also an electronic version of The Book of Negroes that you can search through, and the names in the book are on the windows and under panes of glass in the floor. The effect is quite beautiful and impactful.

There are stations where you can build your own digital quilt (it will be displayed on a screen on the wall and you can email it to yourself, if you like), benches where you can listen to information and other sound bytes (I enjoyed the singing–old blues and plantation-style work songs about freedom), and large touch screen monitors where you can see all kinds of pictures, documents and more related to Birchtown and the people who settled there.

Just seeing those shackles makes me feel so ill at ease but I accept that because to feel anything less would be worse. We’ve come a long way; we have so much further to go.

Quotes like these (above) can be found all over the walls.

Additionally, there is some information about the Mi’kmaq peoples who are indigenous to the land. Indigenous cultures and rights are near and dear to my heart based on my life experiences and I was pleased to learn that the local Mi’kmaq peoples welcomed those who were escaping slavery, including sharing practical knowledge about shelters (pithouses) and food sources. It’s never a surprise to me that the Indigenous Peoples of Canada could lead the way in being stewards of both the land and the people in that they are historically generous and take responsiblity for the well-being of each other and others.

This Centre is an important and interesting place to visit. For more information including hours, admission fees, etc. please visit their website:

Dan’s (Barrington)

Dan’s is a diner-style place in Barrington, very near to the causeway that connects the mainland to Cape Sable Island. The inside is decorated in the style of a diner from decades gone by and we enjoyed some ice cream there.

Some things of note:

  • There is plenty of parking near the entrance.
  • There are no steps in the entrance or inside.
  • The bathroom is a single unisex room.
  • There are a variety of seating options. The booths are very small and there are stools bolted in place at a counter. The majority of the seating, though, is metal chairs and tables that can be moved and the seats are sturdy and have no arms.

Dan’s sells lunch items such as subs and salads but we were there for the ice cream. I don’t know why but soft serve ice cream in British Columbia, in my experience, is predominantly ice milk. In contrast, we had soft serve ice cream in three different places in Nova Scotia and all of them were most certainly using ice cream. The difference in taste and texture is HUGE. It takes me back to my days as a teenager when I worked in a Tastee Freez (they used ice cream, not milk, but they are no longer around in British Columbia). I had the strawberry butterscotch sundae. It might sound like an odd combination but mixing the two flavours is another habit leftover from my Tastee Freez days. My dining partner had a brownie parfait with hot fudge and peanuts.

We didn’t try any, but Dan’s also sells take-home bakery items like cookies, squares, and mini cakes. If you’re looking for a sweet treat in Barrington this place makes a nice pit stop.


rhubarb (Peggy’s Cove)

I hardly know where to begin with the restaurant that is rhubarb and I mean that in the best way possible! While this is of no consequence in terms of accessibility or quality of food, I even love the “rhubarb” font they chose for the front of their  establishment.

While there are a couple of steps to get up to the front door from this vantage point, you can go around the side of the hedges and use the ramp if you need or prefer to.

Other important things to note:

  • The restaurant has its own dedicated parking lot so you won’t have to park very far from the entrance.
  • There are two bathrooms inside. One is wheelchair accessible and one is not (the latter is down a flight of stairs).
  • Aside from the stairs down to the one bathroom, the rest of the restaurant is on one level.
  • The chairs were very sturdy and they did not have arms (no pinched hips/thighs!).
  • The chairs and tables can moved if you need to make more space or pull a wheelchair up to the table.
  • We arrived on a Sunday at lunchtime and they had some live jazz-type music going on. While the performers were certainly talented the volume made it difficult to have a conversation but they finished up around the time our meal was arriving so we got to enjoy the music and then enjoy some quiet conversation.
  • The service was really excellent. Prompt but not pushy, our water glasses were kept full and I was going through a lot of water because I was dehydrated from all the flying, and genuinely friendly.

Now, the food…oh, the food. First, I waffled back-and-forth about whether to have a bowl of seafood chowder or the dish that I eventually settled on. “Settled” is the wrong word, though, because I think I made the right choice. If I was ever going to be requesting a last meal, this would be it!

This is the pan fried haddock with chick pea salad! It doesn’t look particularly special but it was spectacular in the flavour department. The haddock was crispy without being over cooked and the seasoning was perfect. The real star of this dish, though, is that chick pea salad. To be clear, I enjoy chick peas well enough but I’ve never been excited about them until now.

It’s a combination of cucumber, tomato, pickled red onion, parsley, chick peas, and a delicious, light honey mustard dressing. The real magic, though, is that about 1/3 of the chick peas are deep fried! I didn’t say this was health food but I promise you it is tasty food. My cravings for this have been so fierce that I’m going to attempt making it at home but will use roasted chick peas in place of the deep fried ones and see how that turns out. I’m even going so far as to try pickling red onions for the first time. I’ll document the results in the recipe section sometime next week.

For good measure, here are a few pictures of Peggy’s Cove. If you get the chance to visit it is a beautiful landscape, both times I’ve visited there has been someone playing the bagpipes, and there is a great gift shop on site. I highly recommend a stop at rhubarb and that you try their haddock with chick pea salad!

To see other reviews and pictures, please visit zomato by clicking on the button below.

Rhubarb Restaurant Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Bad Tattoo Brewing (Penticton)

It’s not uncommon for us to  pop over to Penticton for a meal and Bad Tattoo Brewing is one of our favourite restaurants there for a number of reasons, most importantly that the food and drinks are delicious.

In the warmer months, there is a large outdoor seating area that doubles the capacity of the restaurant. Regardless of the season, this place tends to be very busy and I strongly advise that you make reservations.

Here are some important points of note:

  • Parking is not plentiful, though we usually manage to find street parking close by that you may or may not have to pay for, depending on what day and the time of day you visit.
  • If you haven’t made reservations and find yourself having to wait for a table there are some benches to sit on just outside the restaurant.
  • The bathrooms are wheelchair accessible. That said, getting to them would be a challenge in terms of the space available. The restaurant is always very busy and cramped.
  • As a large person, navigating around people and tables is sometimes very difficult here, depending on how tables have been configured on any given evening but also just in general. If I was using a wheelchair or other mobility device such as a walker I would most certainly call ahead and let the staff know that when reserving a table. I’m sure they would arrange things ahead of time to make adequate space. Otherwise, it might be a real struggle.
  • After we were seated, some tables surrounding us were moved to accommodate different party sizes and it meant that I had to disturb a couple of people in order to be able to leave the table. To be clear, a thin woman had to get up to use the washroom and even she had to have her friend move their table over and hang on to their pizza so that it didn’t get knocked off.
  • The chairs feel sturdy, do not have arms, and can be moved around (as can the tables) to accommodate larger or smaller people.
  • This place can get loud because it’s small and people are generally drinking, eating, and having a good time. It’s difficult to have a conversation without shouting, which can be a problem even if your hearing if good but is especially difficult if you have hearing challenges. We find this to be less of an issue in the summer because eating in the outside area usually means there is less confined background noise.
  • The outside area is covered so you get to enjoy the heat and the sun if you sit on the periphery but also there is shade.
  • We have always found the staff to be friendly and the service to be fast and efficient.

Their menu has some staple items that are constant, but many of their pizzas change with the seasons and  availability of local ingredients. All of their pizzas are cooked in a large wood-fired oven and the crusts are thin, crispy,  and tasty. I’ll provide a link to their site at the end of the post and their full menu can be viewed there.

In the above picture you can see their  soft pretzels with honey mustard dip, made with locally sourced honey. The drinks include a grapefruit radler and a non-alcoholic root beer that Bad Tattoo brews on-site. Note that this is the first restaurant that I’ve been to that has made the switch from plastic straws to a paper ones. I hope more local restaurants will do the same!

Bad Tattoo brews a number of their own beverages and you can take tours of the small brewery and try tasting flights or full-sized glasses of their offerings on tap.

Pizzas come in two sizes and if you order the larger size you can ask for each half to have different toppings. The right half of this pizza is their Donair Pizza (a seasonal one that we haven’t seen before) and the left half is their Black & Blue (a staple that I can never resist and if you can make it last that long it is amazing for breakfast the following day).

From the menu description, the Donair Pizza includes house-made lamb and pork sausage, heirloom tomatoes, sweet and tangy donair sauce, fresh sliced cucumber and mint, on a base of green barbanzo pesto sauce. Both my husband and I really enjoyed this one, and I’m normally not a big fan of sausage meats but this was gooood. It had lots of flavour and wasn’t overly fatty, as I often find sausages to be. I liked the contrast of the fresh, crunchy cucumbers and mint, and the donair sauce was creamy and mildly sweet but there wasn’t so much of it that it was cloying. I would definitely order this again if I found it on the menu at a subsequent visit.

The Black and Blue is made with Penticton’s Upper Bench blue cheese, blackberry compote, roasted local apples, and toasted malt. It’s always the perfect combination of sweet, salty, tangy, toasty, and smokey. Order one for dessert, or take one home for tomorrow’s breakfast. I promise that this is a flavour combination worth trying.

Even though this isn’t the most accessible of restaurants, the delicious food and drinks keep us coming back, though almost always in the summer time when we are able to enjoy more space and conversational volumes in the outdoor section.

As promised, here is a link to their website. It does get updated frequently to reflect their seasonal menu offerings.




Bad Tattoo Brewing Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

South Okanagan Events Centre

I’d never been to the South Okanagan Events Centre (SOEC) in Penticton before the other night and I was somewhat dreading the venue itself based on my experience at Prospera Place in Kelowna last year. I won’t go into full details about Prospera Place right now except to say that the seating there was even uncomfortable for my thin teenager.

Photo credit: Naomi Kleinschmidt

We were at SOEC to see Cirque Du Soleil’s new ice show, Crystal. I’m a huge fan of CdS and this is the 5th of their different shows that I’ve had the pleasure of seeing. Like all of their shows, this one was packed with fun and talent.

SOEC, like most events centres, is meant to be accessible to people with a variety of mobility needs and the following are some points of note:

  • We were charged $10 to use the parking lot at the centre, though I’m not sure there would be a charge for all events. Even with paid parking, spots were scarce and you might find yourself having to walk a distance from your spot to an entrance. For people who aren’t able to walk more than a couple of minutes, if you have the option of being dropped off at the front door that might be your best option.
  • Bathrooms are wheelchair accessible.
  • Options for navigating different levels of the building include stairs, ramps, and elevators.
  • There are designated spots where people in wheelchairs can  comfortably view the show.
  • Seating charts are available online and seat selection means that you can choose something appropriate for your needs. For example, there were 4 stairs to get to our section but other options ranged from 0 stairs to about 2 dozen.
  • The seats are hard plastic and sturdy, and while they do have arms they are higher up so that even people with very large hips and thigh will not find them being pinched.
  • If you are taller than about 5’10” you may find the amount of leg room to be uncomfortable.
  • There is an onsite restaurant but we didn’t eat there and the concession stand is easily accessible to all types of mobility devices.
  • In our walk through the building on two floors and outside and around the venue I did not see anywhere to sit down (aside from the seats in the show area, of course), like benches or other waiting areas.

The SOEC could still make some improvements in terms of meeting the needs of people with varying degrees of mobility but I wouldn’t hesitate to attend an event there in the future.