The Last Straw!

I know there is a movement to get away from making/using disposable plastics and I’m all for that but I do recognize that it’s important to consider the needs of everyone. Plastic drinking straws have been in the news a lot, recently, but that has me thinking about people with different abilities. There are some people who, for various medical and mobility reasons, require a straw in order to drink and their needs are important, too.

Fortunately, companies are responding to the need (or even the preference, in the case of people who like to use a straw but don’t have to) for straws with ones that are made of materials that can last a person’s lifetime! They even come with special little brushes so that you can make sure your straws stay clean.

These ones get solid reviews and are a great price:

I’m glad that we’re looking at ways to reduce waste but I hope we will always consider that some people may require certain items or products and if we expect everyone to make the switch then we have to create viable alternatives. I think stainless steel straws at a very reasonable price are an excellent compromise, in this case. Here’s to more environmentally-friendly AND accessibility-concious products in the future!

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