Tradesman Tattoo Company (Kelowna)

For years I’ve wanted a tattoo but could never settle on what I wanted to permanently showcase on my body. Then, last year, when a load of tests revealed that I’m living with some kind of auto-immune/chronic inflammation disorder, I decided I wanted to do something symbolic to represent me taking control of my body—a body that had felt so completely beyond my control in terms of pain and mobility issues. For the record, exactly what auto-immune disease I have is still undetermined (there have been a few incorrect diagnoses, so far, including Lupus) but I am working with a Rheumatologist to determine what course of action will best treat whatever condition I have. The Rheumatologist has narrowed it down to some possibilities but more tests will be required for accuracy.

Anyway, I decided it was time to get a tattoo but, being that it was my first, I didn’t know how much it would hurt or how my body would react. I decided on a sprig of lavender for a few reasons. Lavender is really common in the Okanagan region of British Columbia where I live. It even thrives in this semi-arid desert-type region. I can relate to lavender in that way; I also thrive in the dry heat. Also, the Okanagan is the first place in my entire life that I chose to live. I’m grateful to have had the opportunity to live in many of the places I’ve lived, but I lived in those places because of circumstance rather than true choice. It just so happens that purple is my favourite colour (I love all the colours!) and I enjoy the scent and taste of lavender.

So, last year I went off to see Paige Johns at Tradesman Tattoo Company. She’s known for her colour work and, after reviewing some of her work online she seemed like a good fit. The tattoo was small and simple, and I certainly can’t describe it as painful. It healed beautifully and I was happy to have done something that was just for me. It didn’t feel finished, though, and I was sure I wanted to add to it later.

I had it in my mind that I wanted a bird and I wanted it to be colourful. I ended up choosing the Lilac-Breasted Roller Bird because they are bad-ass colourful birds.

(It’s really difficult to take a picture of your own arm or do a tattoo justice with my camera phone indoors. That said, I only just got an SLR camera so hopefully I can improve the quality of my indoor photos!)

Things of note:

  • There is no dedicated parking so you will have to find street parking. There is a fair amount of metered parking around the shop. Unfortunately, there is a 2 hour maximum parking rule and if you’re getting a larger piece you will be there for more than 2 hours. If you can have someone drop you off and pick you up that is ideal. Otherwise, there is an all-day parking garage a couple blocks away.
  • There are no stairs to deal with here.
  • The waiting area has wide leather loveseats so you’ll have somewhere comfortable to sit while you wait.
  • There is a single, large bathroom.
  • The tattoo chairs are super wide and sturdy and I did not feel concerned one bit about them accommodating me!

Paige is a great artist and she’ll take the time to make sure you’re happy with the piece before and after. Also, the artists will cover your tattoo with tegaderm and it is like magical skin! Leave it on for 4 days (you can shower as you normally would but no soaking it in baths, hot tubs, etc.) and then peel it off to reveal an almost completely healed tattoo. No joke, I had only a few wee bits of scabbing after 4 days with the tegaderm on.

I highly recommend Paige for your colourful tattoo needs and there are other great artists at the shop who can help you with other styles if you’re looking for something different. To contact Tradesman Tattoo Company or see some examples of their work, check out their website here:


I’m already thinking about my next tattoo…

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